Welcome to 2025 — Crossplay Is 25% Off!
For the next two weeks, it's never been cheaper to support your favorite newsletter about parenting and gaming.
For the next two weeks, you can subscribe to Crossplay at a 25% discount.
Full stop, Crossplay does not exist without your support. When this project started in 2023—yes, we’ve been at this for more than 18 months now—I wanted to prove there was an audience interested in reading about the intersection of parenting and video games. That was shown instantly. There is an audience and a desire for community.
What I didn’t know was whether people would pay for it to stick around. Would Crossplay be a fun summer project that eventually withered, like most side projects do? The answer—thankfully—was no. People have not only signed up for Crossplay, they’ve materially contributed to make this an ongoing project, and giving me the grace, patience, and money to not only invest my own time into writing and reporting, but to introduce new writers into the mix, too. This has been immensely gratifying.
Your support—your money—resulted in all of these guest pieces from 2024:
My Newborn Slept on My Chest While a Game Helped Me Understand the Passage of Time
A Horror Game About Isolation Reminded Me Why I Left My Old Career Behind
How Accidentally Going Viral With Five Nights at Freddy’s Helped Me Understand It
A Balanced Lifestyle Helps Kids: Tips, Insights, Tools From a Counselor Who Games
My Kids Were Looking Forward to Playing My New Video Game. Then, I Got Laid Off.
My Seven-Year-Old Daughter Asked Me to Make Her a Video Game
Video Games Aren't Real Life, But That Doesn't Mean They Aren't Connected
Your Kid Got a Video Game System Over the Holidays, And You're Worried They're Obsessed. Now What?
Many of these were folks were writing professionally for the very first time. You gave them that opportunity, and Crossplay became a platform for voices beyond my own!
To support work like this, a subscription to Crossplay is 25% off for two weeks.
I have plans for the coming year that I’m excited about, including but not only:
Writing complete guides to parental controls on every platform (later: videos)
More opportunities for guest writers and reporters
Expansion into Instagram/TikTok with video content about Crossplay topics
As always, thank you. Onto the next one.
Finally, I also want to ask: What do you want from Crossplay in 2024? I’m listening.
In the meantime, hey, did you know Crossplay is 25% off for the next two weeks?
Have a story idea? Want to share a tip? Got a funny parenting story? Drop Patrick an email.
I am now a month behind in my Remap pods (and the anxiety of not being "up to date" is real!) - but Crossplay emails fit much more nicely into my routine, and the articles are always a good read! My daughter recently got VERY into Roblox and it was super helpful to know how to get her set up properly - I even join in when she's playing Brookhaven with her cousins. Just wander into her very nice house and start jumping on the couch until she notices I'm there. It's a whole new era of dad energy and I have Crossplay to thank! Keep it up! (And thank you for supporting guest posts as well, those have been awesome!) Looking forward to 2025! 🤘
Is this for new subscribers only? Or is there a way for current subscribers to add a year, even if our cycle doesn't line up to January?